Taking the place of The Lantern Parade for a year, Northern Light is a FREE event that promises to be a feel good afternoon and evening right in the centre of town, with a few familiar faces helping out!
A giant light-up Helter Skelter will lend its glow to Market Place while Cheshire Outdoors keeps everyone warm with their marshmallow-toasting fire pits.
Chris Hickey will entertain with some close up magic before hopping on his unicycle for some LED juggling.
Look out for Lobster a la Carte – a fan favourite at the Lantern Parades, watch out for his tail!
R&G’s Beer Vault will be with us again offering some winter-warmers for all ages and ArtSpace will be offering some crafting that’ll help guide your way around the dark January evenings.
Chris Marley will be putting on his fire show on the hour from 4pm and we’ve a few other surprises up our sleeves too.
Put on your best light-up trainers and we’ll see you in Market Place, Saturday 18th January, 2pm – 6:30pm.
For more information sign up to the Town Council’s mailing list, or check out the What’s On Page both can be found on the homepage of the website:
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Pictured - Lobster a la Carte – a fan favourite at the Lantern Parades!
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