Cheshire East Council has launched its Christmas campaign to recruit much needed foster carers.
The festive appeal centres around a one-minute film called ‘Wish for you the world’ where a child is welcomed into a family at Christmas time.
There are many different types of foster care. But all foster carers offer children and young people a safe, loving and nurturing home when they can’t live with their birth families.
Currently there are more than 540 children and young people across Cheshire East who are in the care of the council. A shortage of foster places mean that some children are relocated out of the borough and away from their school, friends and family.
Councillor Carol Bulman, lead member for children and families at Cheshire East Council, said:
“Christmas is a special time when families come together. Our wish is that cared for children and those leaving care, have the love and opportunities we want for all of our children – in short, we wish for them the world.
“To anyone considering becoming a foster carer, I say – no two families are the same and fostering is no different.
We have a friendly team who can guide you through the process which is totally confidential and non-judgemental.
“Foster carers can also expect lots of help from our dedicated team of fostering support workers along with a generous allowance to cover the cost of looking after a child.
“If you want to foster, the chances are you can – you may be capable of more than you know.”
Cheshire East Council welcomes enquiries and applications from people from all walks of life, irrespective of marital status, sexuality, religion, ethnic background, whether you have your own children or not, or if you rent your home – as long as you have a stable tenancy.
The council’s fostering team are out and about at the many festive events that take place at this time of year.
Follow the team on Facebook to find out more.
For more information about becoming a foster carer for Cheshire East Council, visit:
...or telephone:
0300 123 3223
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